Monday, January 20, 2014

Nutrition Chart

My favorite and easy lunch is brown rice, black beans, kale, and tomatoes in a wrap.  It has a ton of vitamins that we need!  Here's a table of the vitamins and minerals that we need, why, where to get them, and signs you need them!  Room at the end to add in others :)

Good for
Signs You Need It
Vitamin A
·         Vision
·         Immune and Inflammatory systems
·         Cell growth
·         Reproduction

Sweet potato, carrots, spinach, kale, hearty greens, bell peppers, tomatoes, cantaloupe, papaya, oranges, grapefruit, asparagus, watermelon, apricot, green beans, parsley, broccoli, celery, plums
·         Visual impairment
·         Dry eyes
·         Eye inflammation
·         Rough/dry skin
Vitamin B6
·         Nervous system
·         Sugar and starch breakdown
·         Metabolism
·         Inflammation
Garlic, tuna, cauliflower, cabbage, asparagus, broccoli, hearty greens, kale, green beans, cod, tomatoes, turkey, salmon, leeks, sweet potato
·         Fatigue
·         Anemia
·         Eczema
·         Convulsions
·         Seizures
Thiamin – B1
·         Energy
·         Nerves and muscle activity
·         Heart function
Tuna, sunflower seeds, black beans, dried peas, green peas, pinto beans, lentils, lima beans, sesame seeds, oranges, grapes, garlic
·         Loss of appetite
·         Pins and needles sense
·         Numbness in legs
·         Muscle tenderness, especially in calves
Riboflavin – B2
·         Protects oxygen damage
·         Energy production
·         Maintain B vitamins
Yogurt, soybeans, spinach, tempeh, almonds, green peas, collard greens, celery
·         Sensitivity to light
·         Tearing, burning, itching around eyes
·         Soreness around lips, mouth, tongue
·         Peeling skin around nose
·         Cracking of skin around mouth

·         Cholesterol
·         Blood sugar
·         Process fats
·         Genetic processes
Chicken, tuna, halibut, lamb, salmon, spelt, sardines, peanuts, asparagus, sweet potato
·         Generalized weakness
·         Lack of appetite
·         Skin infections
·         Digestive problems
Pantothenic acid – B5
·         Turns carbs and fat into energy
·         Stress
·         Healthy fats
Avocado, yogurt, mushrooms, corn, sweet potato, cauliflower, eggs, broccoli, collard greens, celery, sweet potato
·         Fatigue
·         Listlessness
·         Weakness
·         Numbing/tingling/ burning/shooting pain in feet

Vitamin B12
·         Red blood cells
·         Anemia
·         Nerve cells
·         metabolism
Sardines, salmon, lamb, shrimp, halibut, scallops, yogurt, cod
·         red, sore tongue
·         tingle/numb feet
·         nervousness
·         memory problems
Vitamin C
·         Prevents free-radical damage
·         Lowers cancer risk
·         Regenerates vitamin E supply
·         Iron absorption
Papaya, bell peppers, strawberries, broccoli, pineapple, brussels sprouts, kiwi, oranges, cantaloupe, kale, apples, asparagus, celery, watermelon, plums, grapes, sweet potato, garlic
·         Poor wound healing
·         Frequent colds/infections
·         Lung-related problems
Vitamin D
·         Calcium metabolism
·         Bone strength
·         Blood pressure
·         Inflammation
·         Fatigue
·         Cancer
·         Muscles
Salmon, sardines, eggs, shiitake mushrooms
·         Muscle aches
·         Lowered immunity
·         Chronic low energy and fatigue
·         Auto-immune disorder
Vitamin E
·         Protection for UV rays
·         Prevents free-radical damage
·         Cell communication
·         Cancer
·         Alzheimer’s
Sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, hearty greens, papaya, asparagus, bell peppers
·         Digestive problems
·         Tingling/numbness in hands, arms, legs, or feet
·         Liver or gallbladder problems
·         Healthy skin
·         Sugar usage
·         Energy supple in nerve cells
Swiss chard
·         Hair loss
·         Muscle cramps
·         muscle coordination
·         Bone strength
·         Acid/alkaline balance
·         Muscles
Yogurt, tofu, sesame seeds, collard greens, spinach, cheese, scallops, sardines, oranges, asparagus, banana, celery, garlic
·         Low energy
·         Weak bones
·         Cell membranes
·         Nerve communication with muscles
·         Chronic inflammation
Eggs, chicken, turkey, scallops, shrimp, sardines, cauliflower, swiss chard, asparagus
·         Fatigue
·         Insomnia
·         Kidney/urine problems
·         Fat in blood
·         Nerve-muscle problems

·         Blood sugar
·         cholesterol
Onions, tomatoes, oysters, whole grains, potatoes
·         high blood pressure
·         high blood sugar/cholesterol

Coenzyme Q
·         Restore vitamin E
·         Prevent cardiovascular disease
·         Blood sugar
Fish, whole grain germ
·         Ulcers
·         High blood sugar
·         Gum problems
·         iron utilization
·         prevents free-radical damage
·         bones and connective tissue
·         thyroid
·         nerve protection
Quinoa, squash, sesame seeds, cashews, soybeans, barley, sunflower seeds, tempeh, chick peas, lentils, lima beans, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds. Ginger, pineapple, almonds, raspberries, garlic, leeks, asparagus, sweet potato, garlic

·         anemia
·         poor blood vessel strength
·         bone/joint problems
·         skin sores
·         irregular heartbeat
·         frequent infections
·         detoxify chemicals and heavy metals
·         protects free-radical damage
·         breakdown mucous in lungs

Poultry, yogurt, egg yolks, red peppers, garlic, onions, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, oats

·         frequent colds
·         Blood vessel protection
·         Enhance vitaminC
·         Protects oxygen damage
·         Inflammation
Apples, apricots, blueberries, pears, raspberries, strawberries, black beans, cabbage, onions, parsley, pinto beans, tomatoes
·         Easy bruising
·         Frequent nose bleeds
·         Excessive swelling after injury
·         Frequent colds or infections
·       red blood cell production
·       nerves
·       dementia
Lentils, pinto beans, chickpeas, spinach, black beans, kidney beans, hearty greens, lima beans, oranges, strawberries
·         irritability
·         mental fatigue/ forgetfulness
·         insomnia
·         periodontal disease

·         Intestines
·         Antioxidant
·         Acid-base balance
·         Muscle mass
Cabbage, beets, beef, chicken, fish, beans, dairy
·         Frequent colds
·         IBS
·         thyroid
Yogurt, milk, eggs, strawberries
·         Goiter
·         Weight gain
·         Fatigue
·         Oxygen transport
·         Energy production
Soybeans, lentils, spinach, tofu, sesame seeds, chickpeas, lima beans, olives, swiss  chard
·         anemia

Lipoic acid
·         Regenerate vitamins C and E
·         Antioxidant
·         Blood sugar
Hearty greens
·         High blood sugar
·         Frequent colds or infections
·         Cataracts or glaucoma

Vitamin K
·         Bone health
·         Cancer
Kale, spinach, hearty greens, Brussels sprouts, parsley, romaine lettuce, broccoli, asparagus, strawberries, plums, grapes
·         Excessive bleeding
·         Heavy periods
·         Easy bruising

·         Bone strength
·         Energy production
·         Nervous system
·         Inflammation
·         Blood sugar
Quinoa, watermelon, pumpkin seeds, spinach, swiss chard, soybeans, sesame seeds, halibut, black beans, sunflower seeds, cashews, almonds, asparagus, strawberries, watermelon, brown rice
·         Fatigue
·         Utilize key nutrients
·         Bone health
·         Synthesize fatty acids
·         Blood sugar
·         Nerves
·         Thyroid
·         Protects free-radical damage
Spelt, brown rice, chickpeas, spinach, pineapple, pumpkin seeds, tempeh, rye, soybeans, oats, banana, celery, strawberries, grapes, sweet potato, garlic, brown rice
·         Nausea
·         Vomiting
·         High blood sugar
·         Skin rash
·         Low cholesterol
·         Dizziness
·         Hearing loss
·         Reproductive system difficulties
·         Inflammation
·         Blood
·         Risk of obesity
·         Cancer
Flax seeds (ground), walnuts, salmon, sardines, soybeans, halibut, scallops, shrimp, tofu, strawberries
·         Depression / fatigue
·         Brittle hair/nails
·         Joint pain
·         Inability to concentrate
·         Dry, itchy skin

·         Blood pressure
·         Kidneys
Swiss Chard, lima beans, potatoes, yams, soybeans, spinach, papaya, pinto beans, lentils, kidney beans, oranges, banana, strawberries, watermelon, plums
·         Weakness
·         Nausea/ vomiting
·         Constipation
·         Abnormal psyche
·         Fainting from low blood pressure
·         Cramping/bloating


·         Immune system
·         Healthy skin, hair, and nails
·         Enzyme production
Quinoa, chicken, turkey, tuna, salmon, halibut, shrimp, cod, scallops, soybeans, asparagus
·         Weight loss
·         Fatigue/weakness
·         Frequent infections
·         Severe fluid retention

·         Protects free-radical damage
·         Thyroid
·         Joint inflammation
Halibut, tuna, cod, sardines, shrimp, salmon, barley, turkey, lamb, scallops, asparagus, garlic, brown rice
·         Muscle weakness or pain
·         Discoloration of hair or skin
·         Whitening fingernail beds
·         Blood sugar
·         Metabolism
·         Immunity
·         Smell and taste
Lamb, scallops, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, oats, yogurt, turkey, shrimp, green peas
·         Impaired smell and taste
·         Lack of appetite
·         Frequent colds and infections

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